
Tom + Lindsey = Baby #2

Weighing in at 9 lbs. 1 oz., this bundle of joy was a taste of heaven.  I was loving the old piano that they had. {If it wasn't so darn heavy I would have snatched it!}  The tiniest preview for the cutest little guy.  Stay tuned for more of this cutie. 


Kurt and Kristy said...

How cute!! I am so anxious to see the rest of them!!!

The Ingebretsen's... said...

Oh! So cute! What an adorable baby :)

Me said...

I love these pictures! So I have to say I really want my kids pictures taken, and I love your pictures, we should set something up, seriously. I'm not going to lie I've been putting this off for awhile because I'm so nervous my kids won't behave but I really want to do it! Would you be willing....? email me erilar@juno.com.