
...from little girl to little lady..

The other day I went over to my sister-in-laws house for a fun shoot with my niece. She will be giving up her 'friends' for a more adult approach. So after dumping 5 plus bags all over her and placing them where needed, we came up with these fun pictures. Once our rendezvous down memory lane was done, we ended with her newest love, Twilight . This girl had been bitten by the bug, or should I say vampire.
I just had to add the black and white one too. It was a really cool shot.
and we couldn't leave without a few shots of Lucy! Just call me....'Dogographer'. She was sure not to let us out of the house with out pictures of her.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love these pictures! I am very excited for our session on Saturday. I will call you to work out the final details.